Unparalleled Research & Analysis on Global Security & Geo-economics
Established in 2021, IIGSA is an independent non-partisan institute dedicated to conduct research on matters pertaining to global security, foreign policy, warfare and conflict. IIGSA uses open-source data to adopt a multi-disciplinary approach for providing academic and technical contributions to policy makers, practitioners, academia and interested parties on such critical issues. Geographically, IIGSA’ work focuses on but is not limited to South Asia, Middle East, China and Indian Ocean Region.
IIGSA integrates geostrategic, geopolitical and geo-economic spheres while critically analyzing the existing literature. By conducting objective research and analysis, IIGSA also aims to deconstruct biased narratives, tackle misinformation campaigns and explore the contemporary developments through a neutral lens.
IIGSA leverages open source data and adopts a multidisciplinary methodology to share academic and technical contributions with regional and international think tanks, policy centers, academics and experts.
Our Mission
Provide a platform to policy makers, practitioners, academia and young professionals for knowledge generation and literature development. Engage individuals and groups to promote a culture of analytical thinking and developing innovative skill-sets. Present an Asian narrative on the core working-areas to enable the international community to understand and comprehend regional dynamics in a better way.
Our Vision
IIGSA’ vision is to identify the knowledge-based perception gaps and bridge them through in-depth research, objective analyses and academic activities for a peaceful and inclusive world.
Policy Areas
IIGSA works on policy areas which are are core of any country like Defence & National Security, Foreign Policy & International Affairs plus International Economics & covers areas along Science & Technology also.
Nature & Scope of Work
IIGSA nature of work includes Research Articles, Research Papers, Technical Reports, White Papers & E-Research and keeping scope of work in EURASIA, Indian Ocean, MENA, America & Oceania Regions.
Open Source Intelligence (OSINT)
We provide policy inputs & information through online & offline Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) on geopolitical, economic & security issues with a geographical focus on Eurasia and Asia-Pacific.
Academic Competencies
IIGSA’s in-house team of research, creative & administrative staff together with our global partners present in Europe, Middle East, Southeast Asia & North Africa allows the institute to meet your academic, technical, managerial & associated demands.
Risk Assessment & Threat Analysis
Based on our global connections, governmental & non-governmental linkages, multiple on-ground resources & a team of experienced experts, advisors & researchers, we have access to factually correct & credible information... Show More
Tailored Projects
We offer services to conduct tailored academic and technical research on varying topics. Our dedicated centre's enable the team to cohesively produce quality reports, working papers etc. in a time-sensitive environment for dedicated pitching... Show More